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07/04/19 3:23 PM

#199375 RE: vg_future #199360

vg_future, thanks for your comment

- Possibility 1: some partner wants to join the party with a stake in the game. Why would Anavex do a shelf offering if all these days you have been using LPC type private placements...interesting. So, this is a great possibility
- Possibility 2: Anavex is close to some big milestone and needs huge influx of money to carry through the next phase phase...small LPC deals aren't enough for this phase.

Yes, your Possibility 1, is possible, but remember Dr.Ms stance on partners, only for distribution and MAYBE manufacturing. Also, the prospectus states ongoing business and anticipated growth, or something like that. I would take it at face value.

I agree with your Possibility 2, small LPC deals were enough to maintain current trials status quo only. Additionally, it may be(speculation) that Dr.M wants more control over the raising of the capital, or is not happy with Cantor/LPC handling...dunno. I agree with Xenas recent comment, that he will probably be very prudent issuing more shares.


07/04/19 3:41 PM

#199382 RE: vg_future #199360

I've a couple more.

1) Missling is simply weaponizing Anavex.
Shareholders rights, preferreds and multiple ways to access captial via the equity markets.I'd be pleased if Anavex also obtained a line of credit.

2) Missling knows additional trials will probably be needed and an offering or placement might be more advantageous and/or might be less limiting.
In other words, just dong his job.

Most small businesses fail due to insufficient capital because they underestimate the time to profitability.
One study showed many fail on the cusp of profitability.
I'm pleased that thus far Anavex doesn't seem to fall under that category.



07/04/19 5:02 PM

#199401 RE: vg_future #199360

“Either way, something big is about to happen. “

I share that sentiment!!

For tomorrow, I expect an early take down followed by some strong buying. I believe the latest strength is coming from the same party that may be on the other end of the shelf. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a close at $5.