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07/04/19 11:39 AM

#199906 RE: MedResCollab #199900

No hedge. All in. Thanks for your advice but Amrn bulls ride or die as we have been since 3 bucks.

-Long and strong.


07/04/19 11:45 AM

#199907 RE: MedResCollab #199900

He makes a point- everyone should consider hedging their amarin by selling some PFE or even biotech etfs against it. Since everyone and their grandparents know amarin is solid, our main risk is the broader market.

I think what steven is trying to say is buy more amarin, sell some other biotech to hedge sector risk.

Also in terms of a secondary- not sure why we’d need one anymore, but last time we diluted 5% or less. If management thought that was something we needed for European, Asian, and Canadian expansion, I’d be fine with that. We’ll get fda acceptance soon along with better insurance tiered coverage, so 5% dilution or not shouldn’t worry anyone. You can rest assured your shorts on amarin will still lose you money.

We would like to advise shorts to consult with a financial advisor so they don’t hurt their families with stupid investments. If you still think fda will not approve, please seek medical attention as your reading and comprehension skills probably have some deeper rooted problem than the inability to hack a bad trade.


07/04/19 3:03 PM

#199944 RE: MedResCollab #199900

Please do not forget to speak with a registered investment advisor if you are overweight AMRN securities

Great idea. I just had a nice chat with him (he happens to be a next door neighbor, true story). I showed him my portfolio (95% is Amarin). He said:

Wow you're up 1477% on your investment, fantastic job; good thing you're not some nutjob who's shorting this stock. My recommendation is to buy more!

Did anyone else have any interesting conversations with their financial advisors?