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06/27/19 11:08 PM

#235634 RE: User-65225 #235632

I enjoyed every second reading that post! There is a reason most here have not sold and continue to add!


06/27/19 11:10 PM

#235635 RE: User-65225 #235632

We have never had a mass retail deal outside of Canada. This is the first title with worldwide exclusivity, cause WE OWN IT... The margins are HUGE, because we are the publisher, distributor, marketer and a retailer.

This is bigger than ANY of the past deals, COMBINED... This is bigger than EVERYTHING they do in Canada in a given year. Canada is 1/10 the USA population, then add the rest of the world.

Some might be thinking "we have had deals like this in the past" but you would be fooling yourself... you will see when the PRs start rolling out and this board lights up with investors taking photos, online reviews, etc. It wont feel like anything in the past imo, cause its not. This is OUR OWN TITLE and Snakes will be pushing it with all their abilities, to retailers and customers within their 4 VERY BUSY locations + online.

This should build buzz unlike any other thing they have done. Cause its TANGIBLE. We will be able to buy it and SEE the sales take place locally to us.

Longs are about to take this board back. The negatives always seems to vanish when a stock starts spiking. lol

Dont be the one that followed this stock for years, then misjudged the one event you should have KNOWN ALL ABOUT and planned for. This is gonna be a money making period here... Its no coincidence that the stock is starting to uptrend, which will be accelerating soon imo. FOMO will kick in


06/28/19 7:36 AM

#235647 RE: User-65225 #235632

Welcome back Rockets! Your posts are always a breath of fresh air that's well needed on this board! I'm glad you have your wind back! I too was very disappointed but I have never swayed to the "dark side"!! I love this company and I have remained a true long and firm believer in it! I agree, mistakes have been made but it's how you learn and what you do with the mistakes that count. The past is the past and the Future has never looked so bright for Amfe IMO!! Again, welcome back!!!

Amfe $$$$$$$$$$$$$