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06/23/19 8:20 PM

#197721 RE: XenaLives #197709

Xena, this is new isn't it?

I had not seen this publication, and its mention of Anavex, previously.

And this is research from Mayo Clinic no less.

Remember this?

Eduardo Benarroch, from where do you ask? Mayo Clinic MN


06/23/19 9:06 PM

#197722 RE: XenaLives #197709

Nice, Xena


06/23/19 9:11 PM

#197724 RE: XenaLives #197709

Good find.

This should get a bit more awareness of Anavex and it's unique approach.

This confers a bit more legitimacy to the 2-73 approach in the eyes of the industry and perhaps some investors.


06/23/19 10:16 PM

#197728 RE: XenaLives #197709

Nice find. It may not have broader market impact as it is just a mention in one article but it is from Mayo Clinic so it is a good sign.

It will come in July edition of science direct.


06/23/19 11:56 PM

#197729 RE: XenaLives #197709

Xena, thanks, the article is a good suumary of the anavex science. Suggest adding it to the Compiled Due Diligence sticky.


06/24/19 3:08 AM

#197730 RE: XenaLives #197709

Very impressive review and astonishing that BP have so far managed to ignore the complexity and direct involvement of mitochondrial function to instead go directly after Amyloid plaque.

Note also the section on "Therapeutic strategies to improve mitochondrial dynamics and function", which starts with

non-pharmacological interventions. Among the latter, diet and exercise appear to directly improve multiple parameters of mitochondrial dynamics and function collectively referred to as mitochondrial fitness.

So easy for many of us to ignore and reach for the pills instead.