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06/18/19 7:48 PM

#11954 RE: sumisu #11953

Looking good, Eddie!

I also ordered a ton from Dixondale this year. By ordering more? the price drops dramatically. I've been ordering 15-20 sets, getting the price to a more favorable level, and then selling them to the guys at work. The only catch was, we were slow at work, and the guys that usually buy them weren't there when I was. I sold off a few sets, but was stuck with the rest. I figured I'd go ahead and plant them, and then figure out how to get rid of them later?

My father is in an assisted living home. He actually wanted to buy some of my onions. I asked him what in the world would he do with them? He said that he'd give them to the cooks and use better tasting onions for all of us. My walla-walla's are doing exceptionally well this year. I took a couple of baseball sized onions in yesterday. I made an arrangement with the kitchen to deliver a couple of onions each week.

There's only so much you can do when the elderly are in a home. I know from living around Dad, how much he appreciates fresh produce from the garden. It's very rewarding when the other residents enjoy it as well.

I took pictures last night. If I can figure out how to download them? I'll share. I'm exceptionally proud of my potato crop this year. They are in full bloom, and extremely healthy looking. Compost really, really works.


06/18/19 11:17 PM

#11957 RE: sumisu #11953

looking GREAT!