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06/14/19 12:58 PM

#183850 RE: Boricka #183847

We don't know what we don't know...Give the man some credits.


06/14/19 4:11 PM

#183862 RE: Boricka #183847

>>>Someone's head is rolling at Mudipharma for getting involved with a company that cannot ship the promised product.<<<

If that is happening (not being able to ship) due to CE mark debacle, I think we ALL know whose head should be rolling!!

YEP, the same person that rewards himself and his family (plus a select few others) with 50% discount price shares.



06/14/19 7:39 PM

#183874 RE: Boricka #183847

"Whealan made a mess in the UK, then the US, next up Australia. According to his timeline, BIEL cannot ship product to Mundipharma until at least end of July.

Will Mundipharma realize what a clown this guy is and pull out? Why train 300 sales people when there is no product to sell? Someone's head is rolling at Mudipharma for getting involved with a company that cannot ship the promised product."

Great post Boricka!

Someone once said, "We don't know what we don't know...Give the man some credits."

So, here's some information most haven't known but will now. Not necessarily 'credits', but 'credible' and verifiable by due diligence efforts.

Facts - I have posted 15 times about mundipharma in Australia since the first one 123914 through 179348 (the one I like best, but clearly no one has taken me up on my dare to call mundi) and to the most recent one 183563. Many saw the potential of mundipharma, but it ain't happening folks. Don't take our word, make the calls!

With a lot of strong contacts in the pharma space in Australia, I have often reached out to a number of people about mundi and BIEL.

It is factual that eyes have been rolling at mundi for some time. It is inaccurate that BIEL will ship product to mundi Australia in July. It is factual that the CE Mark is required and BIEL does not have one. Remember the denials of that claim?

It is factual that mundi has been screaming for the return of its $350,000 up-front Distributor Fee for some time.

It is factual that mundi has not received any product from BIEL corporately or at the store level and my contacts would certainly know that. Add mundipharma to the list.