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06/13/19 10:22 PM

#26 RE: gdl #25

FOX article describes Alan Derschowitz as willing to vote democrat over trump after the treasonous remark of accepting again help fro foreign entities in a campaign. BUT the GOP sticking with trump in a solid wave. Democrats in senate pushed a bill requesting any campaigns to disclose to FBI any foreign entity seeking to help in election. Seems patriotism and preserving our democratic constitution is not in favor today. GOP shut it down!

Even FOX NEWS is trying to extricate itself from the monster it created. The FOX article on Derschowitz has 20 comments a minute bashing JEWS!

We also have this administration lead by Pompeo and Bolton blaming a dozen present and past actions on Iran even though in the past other players took the blame. Iraq all over again? you bet!

On political front, imploding trump, restrained from using tariffs on our allies must revert to real war to relieve his anxiety over his failing presidency.
Translating political events to market ones is pretty easy going forward:
1 - Tweet on Iran War would do it.
2 - Tweet on full tariffs on China would do it.
3 - Tweet on Japan or EU tariffs would do it.
4 - FED decision not to lower rates in the JULY 29th meeting (not this coming one) would do it.
5 - G20 blowup would do it.

Cause the start of a deep long drop. no longer expect any rebound after the next drop. Do NOT SEE any new highs after this move is over.