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09/25/03 8:59 AM

#44500 RE: ziploc_1 #44493

I agree. The strategy that appears to be evolving is the greater issue of technological innovation. What incentive is there in a FREE worldwide economy if small companies lose their incentive to innovate(produce IPR) in the face of Huge Oligarchial Multinational Organizations that SIGN license agreements but hold up payments on the basis of twisted, contrived legal arguments.

The result of this tactic is that the rich get richer, while the poor undercapitalized innovator, whithers and dies OR is picked clean by the large corporate enterprise.

What would be the state of this nation if the capital markets lost access to burgeoning innovative tech firms? I was at CSFB yesterday. The place is a veritable ghost town on Madison Ave. Suites, wings and floors virtually empty, jobs vaporizing in the wake of a docile economy.

This is about anti-trust. This is about anti-innovation. This is about anti-IDCC.
