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06/11/19 8:49 AM

#232707 RE: Lykiri #232706

Additional home run?
So all of this is to get additional home run?
I will print and highlight the word and post it somewhere as a reminder for me in case AVII or Ex shows up with new futility theory again taken from different angles.

“As we reported in ASCO last year, a huge number of patients, way more than expected, were still alive. We have to weigh that... how much of an additional home run would we get if we continue vs. going with what we have now. “
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06/11/19 11:22 AM

#232727 RE: Lykiri #232706

2015: NWBO did their first data collection! (blinded)

Why would you do a first interim analysis for efficacy in the summer of 2015 when you did a first blinded data collection in 2015? (and they have done it once for the last four years)

In order to do they IA, they would have to do a full blinded data collection and light scrub.

Why would go to the expense of that (as they later asserted) if for no reason?
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06/11/19 8:04 PM

#232848 RE: Lykiri #232706

It may have been their intent to do a blinded IA in the summer, and having done the blinded data collection in Spring, or Summer 2015, that would have kept them... well... blinded.

And had they seen that all patients seemed to be eventing rather early, they may have suspected a problem. Especially since all patients also seemed to living longer.

In any event, they have very publicly stated may times they are still blinded.

So good point on your part, IMO.