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06/07/19 3:02 AM

#232010 RE: flipper44 #232008

At what point did these apparitions see a mother lose a child to cancer, or a child lose a mother to cancer and decide to profit from preventing a solution to this drama unfolding over and over?

Speaking of mothers losing children, the anniversary of 10 year old Colby’s death is this Sunday. She’d have been 20 now.

It’s regrettable that the impact of these apparitions is so real.


06/07/19 6:01 AM

#232017 RE: flipper44 #232008

Great post, flip


06/07/19 7:36 AM

#232025 RE: flipper44 #232008

Wow. Words fail me. I’m glad they do not fail you.


06/07/19 7:44 AM

#232026 RE: flipper44 #232008

Beautiful, Flipper!


06/07/19 9:53 AM

#232050 RE: flipper44 #232008

Wow. Your words are powerful and beautiful.


06/07/19 10:26 AM

#232054 RE: flipper44 #232008

Very eerie poem. A lonely, soulless feeling of the apparitional short.
Well done.


06/07/19 10:47 AM

#232059 RE: flipper44 #232008

Here's a poem to complement yours, on a lighter note:

One Day

Standing by the lake
At the end of a cold long winter
Watching, as a flock of ducks take off.

Heading North!
The sun is rising
An orchestra of singing ducks, “aapp, aapp, up!”

Back in the cabin
Checking Investors Hub
"NWBO announces top line results. Success!"
An orchestra of price charts "uup, uupp, UP!”


06/07/19 12:18 PM

#232083 RE: flipper44 #232008



06/07/19 5:47 PM

#232180 RE: flipper44 #232008

Since people paid so much attention to this, I added italics to the last two lines, because I essentially lifted them from Dylan Thomas' poem (which I'd assume people knew, but don't want to misrepresent.)

Apparitional Shorts.

The title is almost a poem in itself.
They walk through walls and torture simple well meaning investors.
Trying to eradicate ghosts is akin to to eating runny jello with a fork.

Join them?
Perish the thought.
Still, who always loses when one plays by the rules and others do not?

Their mantra proclaims death to irrational exuberance.
It fuels self-righteous damnation.
It stokes disastrous ruins upon hope.

Someone once told me human behavior does not evolve.
When left to its own devices, the Lord of the Flies inevitably reappears.
Like a moth drawn to fire, I believe this can change.

At what point did these apparitions see a mother lose a child to cancer, or a child lose a mother to cancer and decide to profit by preventing a solution to this drama unfolding over and over?

Good luck to "hopeless" longs.
Rage against the darkness.
Do not go gentle into that good night.