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06/06/19 9:41 AM

#60437 RE: rhyminrhymin #60422

They never lied about anything. The "harvest report" lingo is a fiction created in these forums. The only report they waited on was the final Texas Parks and Wildlife Report that the shrimp grew in a clean environment and did so through 26 weeks, without contamination, without infection, without antibiotics, and without dieoffs in this system. That was a confirmation of a patent, aka the "patent test" if you will, that the technology worked.

The TPWD by the way did regular checkups on this system throughout the grow-out of that test tank.

The estimate of survival rate was guesstimate over 90 percent as confirmed in calls to their pr firm by a number of investors, and eyewitnesses said they never saw dead shrimp. The density of shrimp at 24 weeks was over the top because no shrimp were dying off and more competition for food made the growout slower and extended to 26 weeks to jumbo size. It would have been inappropriate to include a guesstimate in an official release, but the high survival rate was noted and commented on in interviews and the reality that 99 percent of bacteria are killed by the patented system.

Either way, the survival rate is ground breaking in ras system shrimp growing...the consistency of it is a breakthrough and why the technology is so valuable and would give Natural shrimp a monopoly in shrimp in the US with expansion.

They have used the shrimp from that test tank in promos, and for visitors and potential distributors, etc., to see it in action, and are growing mature shrimp to create their own baby for eventual hatchery capacity.