Do you understand she is collecting more shares while the price is low due to the loan interest she charges? This is debt financing. If you know or strongly believe you have a successful product, but conduct public discourse in the form of goal post moving whilst gaining more shares through debt financing while the PPS is low, well that is one way of doing things I suppose.
manibiotech, I do listen to myself and agree it sounds crazy. But...IMHO...there is no explanation that I can think of as to why when such positive data is being presented it is usually accompanied by statement that tend to steel all momentum to the upside. I have seen biotech products that were ineffective or harmful to patients with market caps in the billions while we, GIVEN UNPRECEDENTED BLENDED SURVIVAL DATA, can't get a mc of a few hundred million!
One of the reasons this is so is that many of the communications/actions...PRs, data presentations and scheduling/actions... are written/done, imho, to INTENTIONALLY delay unblinding/topline and keep the pps in check.
Why this is happening...I have no idea, hence the frustration. The reasoning could be positive. Maybe, LP has implementing a strategy that we, having limited info/details, can't understand but will be handsomely rewarded.