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MI Dendream

06/05/19 12:18 AM

#231465 RE: Goodtime13 #231463

Theatre of the Absurd
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06/05/19 12:23 AM

#231466 RE: Goodtime13 #231463

Let’s see...the share price is down 95% over the last 4-years, they’ve diluted and diluted and diluted....and you think they want to keep the share price low for a buyout?

What in God’s name am I reading and why do I bother reading this stuff anymore?

Thank you Goodtime13.

That IMHO will be the typical reaction.

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MI Dendream

06/05/19 12:51 AM

#231476 RE: Goodtime13 #231463

As to why... well, after thinking long and hard about that I have come up with two answers.

1) This board was once a valuable location to share due dilligence and realist conjecture and you hold on to the idea that it will be again because there are still flashes of light amongst mountains of garbage.

2) You are so frustrated that this company moves at a pace slower than the Giant Sloth of Costa Rica and hope that some one will provide an answer that differs from the obvious. No not the obvious lie that the shorts keep trying to sell about the study failing, but the other one. The one about fleecing investors for personal gain. You know, the one with all those warrants and grants to back it up. That one.

I mean Gaddamit the threshold for the primary endpoint was met almost two years ago and these amateurs don’t even have a meeting scheduled with FDA to discuss the SAP. If they are really holding out for feedback from US, Canada, UK and Germany to align into consensus SAP that won’t be met with query and counter statistical analysis from any of the four before locking, then the winter that is coming will be more like the length of winter in Game of Thrones than the one here on Earth.
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06/05/19 1:16 AM

#231485 RE: Goodtime13 #231463

Goodtimes13, I believe LP is intentionally stalling the unblinding of the P3 trial AND purposefully keeping the pps from increasing.I am not saying NWBO is keeping the price down for a buyout. I don't know and can't even think of a legitimate reason for this, hence my frustration. Of course the delay in unblinding in the past has been to establish a long tail/OS #s. But the long tail has been established and is no longer the reason.

To me it seems that when NWBO communicates there is always something said or done that prevents the stock from naturally increasing. For example, you don't think the 200/300 queries could have been completed or the 1st draft of the SAP BEFORE ASAP? What other company would have PR'd the UNPRECEDENTED interim numbers that other companies would have died for and, then, in the same report tell the world essentially that NWBO didn't have a "pathway forward". What about the outstanding presentation where the cancer survivors talked about their battles and Dr. Ashkan said directly that he requests everyday that NWBO unblinds the p3. At the end LP gets up and begs the audience for money (i.e. implying that we are broke and about to go under)?

Linda is super-intelligent. IMHO, she is intentionally stalling AND preventing the pps from increasing...I am not joking. You cannot tell me that NWBO, with the Blended #s they have reported, that NWBO cannot get the word out in a legitimate way (without illegitimate/unfair pumping) that does not interfare with SEC/FDA.

Just my thoughts.
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06/05/19 3:38 AM

#231536 RE: Goodtime13 #231463

thumbs up Goodtime 13