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06/04/19 8:48 PM

#231424 RE: Umibe5690 #231421

I disagree. I thought Dr. Bosch was quite clear in their analysis to date and the steps needed for submitting the SAP and unblinding. Furthermore, how do you know that LP was mia? Maybe she was in a meeting with Mr. Frazier or Mr. Bourla or Mr. Schwan. Or who knows, maybe all three concurrently.


06/04/19 9:23 PM

#231434 RE: Umibe5690 #231421

Totally unfair assessment against mgmt... you are just outside looking in, intense work is going on.

As Bosch said, we have 3 of the world best statisticians taking 6 months and several hundred pages of documents to finalize the SAP and it is nearly complete and believe me Linda Power's and the team will get it done and we will be approved by the FDA and all of these mgmt. resentment will be forgotten. Boom! $25 and beyond.


06/04/19 11:42 PM

#231457 RE: Umibe5690 #231421

Umibe:A shameful performance by all including Mr. Innes who appears not to have been a successfully influencing factor cautioning against such a presentation.

Given the YEARS of CEO Linda Powers having a foot on her throat since late 2015 with “The Ondra Affair” that left her as stated in lotS of posts of mine in LOSING her Financial Playbook thru NO fault of hers but cornered circumstantially also with BOTH alleged illegal Naked shorting and muzzled with PARANOID by what she could say... CEO Linda Powers was circumstantially left with NO choice but succumbed to TOXIC dilutive financing.

I saw that before anyone and indicated the above while everyone just ping ponged this like LOADS of other key strategic pivotal events in NWBO’s plight since 2015!

Given the above, I find it very telling Umibe in your professional corporate life, on top of having personally met and telephonically converse for yearS and know both EVP Les Goldman and CEO Linda Powers that you would suggest that newly hired VP Investor Relations David Innes would have been broached BEFORE Sunday to do what you allege:shameful performance by all including Mr. Innes who appears not to have been a successfully influencing factor cautioning against such a presentation.

I am stating the above based on lots of professional one on one interactions I have had as both a stock analyst as well as a portfolio manager.