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06/04/19 2:22 PM

#231315 RE: jondoeuk #231311

more drivel jon doe uk? would you even attempt to be so foolish with the long winded nothing burgers if you had to use your real name...??? I doubt that you would...

CogDiss 1188X

06/04/19 2:41 PM

#231320 RE: jondoeuk #231311

The only way to combat tumour complexity is to engineer T- and NK cell based therapies.

Let’s not forget that dendritic cells orchestrate the entire immune system. You can potentially get an innate immune response as well, in addition to both NK and T-cells. The one modality approach is an artifact of BP/regulatory framework, not what is theoretically the best approach.


06/04/19 2:50 PM

#231325 RE: jondoeuk #231311

He may have been a great visionary and innovator in his time but when he makes statements like this:

there are many companies seeing if they can immunize against cancers well over a dozen I could name right off the bag names being Neon and Bridgestone are the biggest companies trying to develop these immune response vaccines

it make me question his current engagement and understand of what is going on in the industry. It is Neon and Bridgestone who you think of when naming the biggest and most influential immune vaccine leading edge innovative companies?


06/04/19 2:59 PM

#231332 RE: jondoeuk #231311

I'm tyred of hearing about Bridgestone.

What's a neo-antigen?