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06/01/19 11:33 PM

#221949 RE: Topchef #221948

Many of us are still holding. I have emails out to FUBU and FUBU Mobile asking for confirmation of ANDI's claims from these two blogpost.

Many? Not likely. A hand-full to possibly about ten people is more likely. Btw, the reason anyone would be holding at all is, well, you know why. Btw, if you sent emails to the same links I attached below, they'll be received by someone sitting at a retail call center and hired to process orders for clothing or wireless service. They won't care. I know because I already checked.


06/02/19 9:48 AM

#221952 RE: Topchef #221948

The FUBU mobile thing is small potatoes, they’ve clicked the link to function as a reseller of a company that is a reseller themselves. If they follow through, they’ll set up a little website with some knock off phones on it and try to get a little pump out of it, but it’ll be nothing more than your local Taco Bell franchise, a decent living for the owner, but not nearly big enough for the holders of 5B shares to be rewarded. Exaggeration of significance is a big piece of pennyland pumping, and this company has done it well.


06/03/19 7:08 PM

#221982 RE: Topchef #221948

Lmao! I can’t believe they went back to phones! What happened to the AC company? So they are pumping those crummy videos and pictures of phones again?! Wow! I’m so glad I sold this Turd! Lmao