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05/30/19 8:17 PM

#194295 RE: CalMustang #194294

Wow nice work CalM that’s impressive.


05/30/19 8:46 PM

#194298 RE: CalMustang #194294

Incredible work!! Thanks—. The information should be forwarded to Amarin, FDA and SEC. FDA legal should be aware of the manipulation and the issues an Ad Com will have. BB

P also has tracks on 10,000 put prior to ANCHOR Ad Com notes....



05/30/19 8:47 PM

#194299 RE: CalMustang #194294

Wow ... first glance , fantastic DD .
Believe he did bathroom renovations .... which from personal experience can be quite complex because of all the trades involved ... especially if you are doing most of it yourself.

Great DD tho
Thx for posting


05/30/19 8:50 PM

#194301 RE: CalMustang #194294

CalMustang, your awesome!! But have to put you, CalMustang = OhaoFerrari = Magnum PI

Keep up the good work!!


05/30/19 9:06 PM

#194312 RE: CalMustang #194294

@ CalMustang...great investigative reporting. My post came in after yours. I type slowly while eating eggplant parmigiana!!

Something definitely rotten emanating from that St. Pete address.

Lieutenant Columbo would be proud of you!



05/30/19 9:13 PM

#194314 RE: CalMustang #194294

Cal- make sure you save your posts off Ihub control....



05/30/19 9:19 PM

#194316 RE: CalMustang #194294

Damn lol. Remind me never to piss you off.


05/30/19 9:27 PM

#194320 RE: CalMustang #194294

Check with AVII, I do believe he knows Pyrr personally


05/30/19 9:36 PM

#194323 RE: CalMustang #194294


Well done my friend!
Thanks for your work.


05/30/19 9:53 PM

#194324 RE: CalMustang #194294

Holy Shit Cal, remind me to never place myself in your cross hairs! Outstanding detective work.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if the guy who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on AMRN was behind this joke of an attack? He must still be butt-hurt over being WAY on the wrong side of that trade!


05/30/19 10:09 PM

#194327 RE: CalMustang #194294

excellent DD. Much better than my guess it was the perv doctor


05/30/19 10:34 PM

#194329 RE: CalMustang #194294


You turn Sherlock Holmes green with envy...Very nice work...Am promoting you to Chief Detective....

MRC...Had that crazy Pyrr flavor to it...I know both Tasty and AVII thought the guy was some kind of genius...I felt exactly the opposite...A total moron who could never get his facts straight no matter how much time he spent researching it...and he did spend a lot of time going through the literature..

His problem was he always put his own slant on everything and clung to every meagre ort that supported his beliefs in face of truths a hundred times stronger...

Sadly..If we can believe him... he put his money where his mouth was and that was not good...

":>) JL


05/30/19 11:00 PM

#194334 RE: CalMustang #194294

Cal — you’ve nailed it.

The stuff about requiring DDI trials was a Pyrrh theme.

Some people never give up. Being wrong just sticks in their craw.


05/30/19 11:14 PM

#194336 RE: CalMustang #194294


EXCELLENT WORK. For all the other bozos who always claim manipulation, there is now pretty darn good evidence of it, and all you blowhards did nothing about it. pretty funny.

Cal, I strongly recommend you put this together with a narrative of what happened today and forward to the SEC. This is a blatant attempt at REAL manipulation.

Well done!


05/30/19 11:25 PM

#194338 RE: CalMustang #194294

You da man! I'm watching my P's and Q's when your around Mr. Super Sleuth:-). Thanks for sharing so openly.


05/31/19 1:37 AM

#194353 RE: CalMustang #194294

Word of the day for this post. Macgyver


05/31/19 6:31 AM

#194365 RE: CalMustang #194294

wow that was power, good work.


05/31/19 6:51 AM

#194370 RE: CalMustang #194294

Thank You CalMustang

Looks like this guy is going through amazing efforts to bash Amarin

and I'm not sure why

unless he indeed has lost a boatload of money trying to short AMRN

and his ego just won't admit defeat


05/31/19 7:06 AM

#194375 RE: CalMustang #194294

Cal- I find this interesting...

It would be different if our chosen path was journalism, as journalists revel in controversy--but it was not. For these reasons, the identities of the members of Medical Research Collaborative, LLC shall remain anonymous.


Has anyone called the contact number?


05/31/19 10:18 AM

#194414 RE: CalMustang #194294

Cal - Steve Giardino IS Pyrrhonian. I found something on the web a long time ago that confirmed this. That is very interesting - clearly an effort to manipulate the stock given his short history here (and I am not a big believer in conspiracy theories).


05/31/19 10:26 AM

#194415 RE: CalMustang #194294

Cal - You should share this with Amarin in case this petition is used in the FDA proceedings, so that they are prepared to address its bogus nature.


05/31/19 10:40 AM

#194422 RE: CalMustang #194294

Thank you CM for exposing the real facts and motivation. It appears on the surface that he put a lot of work into this hit report. If only he could use that motivation for good. Vascepa saves lives!


05/31/19 1:58 PM

#194481 RE: CalMustang #194294

CalMustang re Pyrnh; (is Steve Giardino:LI, NY)other self acknowledged alias:

Msg 5616 of 5646 at 7/6/2016 1:54:15 PM by

The following message was updated on 7/6/2016 1:57:16 PM.

Just admit I'm better at this than you:

egkainia • Apr 14, 2016 7:51 AM Remove
0users liked this postsusers disliked this posts17

Just going on record

To say I'm shorting this today.

I'm doing this more as a lesson to myself and to you all. Just go with the most logical, objective, emotionless decision. This is it. There is only one logical sentiment regarding NWBO--"sell."

Listen, you don't have to hold this. Anyone saying you should sell for the last 10 months has been right EVERY TIME. And every time you would all respond the same "you're not getting my shares!" or whatever other silly plot you imagined was going on. But look, no one was trying to scare you into selling to then "buy your shares on the cheap." Nope. In fact they were genuinely giving you great advice just by expressing their opinion! Imagine such a thing! You've deluded yourselves into staying long.

I admit now seems not a good time to short this. The chart is solid here, the bio sector has turned around. I'm doing this on fundamentals purely. I know they COULD have had the hold lifted. I know they don't for a negative reason. I feel strongly that this new mention in the risk factors portends something they've been considering. I think they will raise again soon at even more depressed levels. When I consider those things and look at the $1.50 price tag, I recognize the market cap is actually too high. It should be more like $50mm or so. Imo.

My opinion has been consistent here (under my other handles: Pyrrhonian, finishedworks, Michonne, jmlogan72) ever since this popped over $8 last May. I said to hedge with puts. I was ostracized and maligned. Then over $10 I said to outright sell. Again, I was in cahoots with shorts. Then I said this makes a great short ($10-$11 range). You all maligned me further. "Not getting my shares!!" Meanwhile TZOR/ryanlies was declaring he was buying more over $10... Then I finally said okay no reason to hold the short, time to close it (upper $4s). Then when Woodford came out saying what he did I said sell/short it again, though at that time I was out completely.

Now my opinion is to sell. Am I finally wrong?
Member when you shorted NWBO but did it all wrong?

Buy some CYTR out of the money calls. Don't be an ass.

TastytheElf has known him a long time: his iVillage is TGW
Whalatane has exchanged some messages based on his former profession.
and beyond the above, there are easily three others that have LONG; DEEP:MULTI YR
conversations with Pyrrh etc. that I could furnish.


IF I were you, I would present ALL your information to them FIRST versus regulatory authorities which have CURTAILED BUDGETS! (a bureaucratic nightmare to BOOT!)

I only occasionally read some of the posts although I have been a shareholder for 4 yrs!

Everyone should buy NWBO (see my posts in May 2019):
IMHO should easily eclipse that of our AMRN.
BTW the iHub NWBO REEKS of closed minds unlike AMRN board!
Almost nigh and day respectively type compariso IMHO.

BTW: I did work at WW Hdqtrs NYC for top tiered firms as a stock analyst and as a money manager
and I do excel(nothing is beneath me) even at 70 yrs of age in my investigative skills.

Just look at North4000 at 89 yrs of age!!

CalMustang must be a graduate of CalPoly either in Pomona or SLO, CA!



06/03/19 9:01 AM

#194765 RE: CalMustang #194294

You guys are 100% getting played. Did you REALLY think you stumbled across some secret doc when you found the PUBLIC LLC info?? For real? You didn’t think they knew exactly what they were doing when they used the name Steven Giardino as the ONLY named member? That with just a little effort you AMRN flongs would find it? Lol, I mean cmon.. This is clearly a well planned campaign. They obviously used my analysis, at least on the study. Maybe that is a real person listed as a member that was paid, I don’t know. But they’re doing exactly what I did--fooling you. I don’t and never did own Finishedworks or live in Albany. I met AVII once for dinner and drove back down to NYC. I even use an Albany proxy IP address on these sites. The best way to keep yourself from being found is to pretend you are someone else, not hide yourself. But as I posted before, which was supposed to be my last, I realized something--I have better things to do with my time.


06/10/19 10:57 AM

#196002 RE: CalMustang #194294

CalMustang how did you get your post shown above^^^^