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05/25/19 9:24 AM

#152738 RE: surfkast #152680

I find it hard to believe that a group capable of setting up a BTC mining farm is incapable of making a website optimized for smart phones or even basic optimization for web browsers on a computer. The hashing seems legit at first glance but the BTC net proceeds could be arbitrary. I'll need to read further up on how hashing can be faked (it ABSOLUTELY can). The power tech bit company and website were only just recently incorporated and created around 4/30.

I see the name Tatiana Shishova in the articles of amendment. Maybe related to Anastasia Shishova.. who is president of another STOP sign company CGLD (aka Buscar Stables) and who also ventured out with AW Blockchain Mining, Inc. And after some quick googling it looks like this DD board is very familiar with the Shishova name. is awesome.

"These results represent the net proceeds after maintenance, power and pool fees.  Past results are not indicative of future results.  BTC mining profitability is dependent on the price of BTC, block reward payout and mining difficulty, which are subject to change."

Want to read something interesting.

"The Company has agreed to purchase at least 15,000 TH/s at their out of pocket cost (approximately $225,000) from our officers."

According to their power tech bit website you would need $616,400 to purchase that amount of hashing power with s9 antminers.