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05/24/19 8:57 AM

#46178 RE: x993231 #46176

X- thank you for sharing your recent experiences in Colorado. It was nice to read that Miller said “These guys are onto something”.

I am very pleased that LWLG is engaging with and sending data to multiple prospective customers. Does a prospective customer want to wait for a full 5000 hours of testing before making their decision when another prospective customer might be satisfied with the data at 3000 hours? The prospective customer who has enough data at 3000 hours may not request exclusive licensing rights but may offer a very large amount of money to acquire LWLG. A bidding war may ensue.



05/24/19 9:46 AM

#46179 RE: x993231 #46176

X, thanks for your input, Dr Miller already has said that in his 50 years of materials development, including being CTO of Corning for the development of "gorilla glass" that these New PkM/PkM* material systems were "right at the top" of anything he has witnessed, so yes, I'd say LWLG is on to something for sure!

Also, good to hear the Gen 1 material systems and devices had already been tested, retested and tested some more, the fact remains that STABILITY is and has always been LWLG's strong suit which is why I was not surprised that Dr Leonberger said

Fred Leonberger: Great to see him there. He was very enthusiastic and said the data will come and "it will be great."

I agree with Gates that deals may emerge really at any time now. The new material systems reliability testings are now in excess of 2000 hours which is the equivalent of 8 years, that coupled with the Gen 1 materials surviving any/all battery of testing already strongly suggests what Dr Leonberger ventured to say "the data will come and it will be great."


05/25/19 7:23 AM

#46187 RE: x993231 #46176

X said, We saw the new 110 Ghz running on the electric side, that’s about 140 Gig.!!!!, the fiber side was not connected. Lightwave had Device Serial number 1, the Device on the table now is Serial Number 2 and it is being updated with Serial number 3. We joked if amazon delivered it. Not sure if it cost $1 or $1 million. Apparently Lightwave’s material is so fast that it is beneficial to both Lightwave and the Manufacture to work together because this is cutting edge. JM was very proud of deal that he worked out with the manufacture, NO Details about the “deal”, Zippo.

X, so if I understand right, you are saying LWLG now has the latest and greatest test equipment by Keysight, and in fact, we have 3 of the testing equipment units, which are serial numbered #1, #2 and #3, is this correct?

And you are also saying that Jim did some wheeling and dealing, and because of LWLG's involvement in this equipment's upgrade, got them somewhat on the cheap?
