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Street Smart

05/23/19 4:18 PM

#7975 RE: mc73 #7967

Besides selling shares below market they made another big mis step right before the announcement. They did that segment on TV. It was so heart warming. The story of figi and the brothers commitment is why many investors took hold of this company originally. Then what do they do three days after the tv show? sell millions of shares enriching themselves. Bad timing at best. Poor advisement to run this segment before dumping on us. This company has severely hurt their reputation. I think its very repairable. But they should go into crisis mode now. Take a real good look at themselves. Are they the same now after getting rich thanks to shareholders?

The new investors can't be thrilled at the moment. They have a lot of good things coming. It will run again. But as an investor it will be hard for me to think long term again unless I see the necessary moves to right this. with a 500m shelf and falling share price. I am worried they may do the same again