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05/22/19 1:26 PM

#2623 RE: tolduso #2619

What was their prediction in May of 2018 for today?

Just curious. Any way to look that up?

Stock was around $.30 most of that month with about $40k of daily volume (by a quick eyeballing)

How many out there would guess their 12 month projection was .60?

If I had to bet without knowing anything I’d bet their projection was a nickel



05/22/19 5:09 PM

#2626 RE: tolduso #2619

You're right about one thing, tus....there's certainly no "sure thing"...

...especially in the market.

But, I, and my 2 cents ++++, am confident that $NGTF's best days lie ahead, and I have no doubt, that CEO Folkson and team, have shareholder value increases, as one of their priorities.

Having made superlative strides, and forward progress as a fledgling business, coupled with a highly transparent management philosophy, and an outstandingly unique product line ...the future looks extremely bright to me.

No sure thing, for sure...but it looks damn good, and smells great!!

PS Thank you for the link to "Gov Capital Investor"...I'm adding it to the desktop for future use, as another comprehensive source of info.

I certainly disagree with their forecast, but opinions can differ....that's why we all have them.
