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05/20/19 9:25 PM

#181257 RE: luke5516 #181254

If Whealan ran Apple, it would be Enron
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05/20/19 9:29 PM

#181258 RE: luke5516 #181254

Sales are absolutely pathetic.

I'd say this pretty much confirms that the company is a total failure.

You'd have to be trying to get such weak numbers.

But give BIEL credit for consistency. The never fail to disappoint.

The fact that they defied the SEC is unbelievable. They don't care.

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05/20/19 10:18 PM

#181264 RE: luke5516 #181254

Of all the posts on this message board talking about the drama, for some reason, yours seemed to resonate. It nicely summed up what I, too, am feeling. I feel empty, like I've been gut punched out of nowhere, no one is anywhere near me and yet I feel this pain in my gut. I'm reeling, dazed, unable to make sense of it all. As an individual investor I don't know what to do, feeling a bit lost and confused.

I have used the product, for years, still do. I talk to everyone about it. Only yesterday I had a wonderful conversation with a CVS Pharmacist (central Indiana) and she immediately understood what I was explaining. She was very enthusiastic saying she knew someone who could really use the device. Said she would talk to the manager about it. I believed her. Gave her two of the handouts I pass out to lots of people. It's only one conversation, I know. Create enough sparks, maybe a fire starts. My optimism gets the better of me, I know. LOL.

Many I have spoken with have been helped by Actipatch and that makes me fell so good about myself being able to make someone else's life a little better, more livable. The 'Do gooder' syndrome. But something is seriously awry at BIEL. Like finding out someone you have known and respected for many years has stabbed you in the back. Where do you go? What do you do? How do you react when you see them again?

My first bit of uneasiness came when I first heard CEO Whelan mispronounce opioid as 'opoid'. And then I heard him do it again in another interview. So, either no one wanted to, or was too embarrassed to, or was afraid to, correct him or they did and he ignored them feeling it was not important. I think it is. Very. Important. Or if he simply cannot pronounce it, a phobia of sorts, then make a joke about it at the start of the interview to cover yourself. It's annoying as hell hearing that. Do you, as a CEO, not care or what?

The latest qrtrly report is abysmal. CVS?, VA?, NHS?, MundiPharma?, Spain? So many other opportunities and yet here we are, wallowing at 0.0008 cents per share. I am still an investor and that will not change. Hell, I even bought more this morning!!! I am still optimistic but the clock is ticking. I am hoping a change is forthcoming as the posts from Simpsonly have indicated are possible.

FDA has never been our friend and never will be. Big Pharma controls the FDA lock, stock, and barrel. BP wants our little company to go away or control it or bury it or whatever. Between the two of them, and I don't know which is worse, it is amazing we are still in business.

And the company is stone quiet. Please don't put out another 'we are staying the course' pr. I want to believe events are transpiring behind closed doors, away from prying eyes, but who knows, not me that's for sure. I'm a little sad today. It'll pass, for sure, but some anxiety for my Actipatch creators has crept into my otherwise optimistic world.

all the best, WBeacham
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05/21/19 6:23 AM

#181278 RE: luke5516 #181254

These unaudited financials just don't add up imo...what's really going on here? Buyout? What is it that we're not privy to yet?