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05/20/19 8:56 AM

#75638 RE: cpw13154 #75637

Ryan is a freaking fraud. That’s not opinion it’s absolute FACT!

He’s a con man who’s actually hurt a lot of people and I’m not even talking about investors though he’s hurt them too but I look at those as sorta their fault because any DD would reveal this is a scam stock.

There are actual employees who worked. They got hired for a job and they did the job and he never paid them.

I for one can’t imagine applying for and getting a job then doing the work and getting shafted on a paycheck and how debilitating the loss of pay would be.

Investors (typically) take extra money and invest so if they lose it doesn’t affect paying a bill or buying groceries or medical expenses.
When you get hired for a job and aren’t paid it possibly means that you’re not buying groceries or maybe you’re late on rent or a mortgage. Maybe it means not buying some medicine for a sick family member.

I don’t care about Ryan or his car or his family. His family is as dirty as he is and his car is destined to not be his for long because sooner or later he won’t be able to afford such nonsense.