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05/20/19 7:03 AM

#181082 RE: Simpsonly #181081

It's rather unbelievable that shareholders would have to scurry around to find out what's going on.

Only in a circumstance in which things are purposely obscure would that be necessary.

Normal companies keep investors informed without prodding.

I know BIEL isn't a blue chip but some info should be offered.


05/20/19 8:17 AM

#181089 RE: Simpsonly #181081

Are you HOPING Biel has a restocking agreement with CVS? I'll assume your answer is yes unless you have evidence to the contrary. Yes it is frustrating that Biel is not more forthcoming with information. Looks like we might have to live with that MO, no matter the volume of complaints. I don't know about you, but I've got my fingers crossed for every stock I own, from the super well managed ones right down to the totally bewildering ones. Can you guess which category Biel falls into? Go Biel$$$