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05/19/19 8:59 AM

#181012 RE: av8tor65 #181008

The thing is, we had the comfort of being the only one out there, and chose to be silent. For years we went word of mouth as a means of exposure. We’ve given competitors a 27 month pause in our exposure when we should be exploiting the magic products. We are invisible, while products pop up all around us. We have a great FDA cleared product that was redesigned MIA for almost a year. Where is it? We are expecting a major PR is what I read, should we expect the same results as all our other PR’s, I read a post that had the word “insolvency “ in it. Now if I were too post that word about BIEL, I might find myself being tarred and feathered, but I guess it’s all about who says it? We are out of time for BS . JMHO Have a great morning


05/19/19 3:15 PM

#181045 RE: av8tor65 #181008

Yes, you make valid points associated with contraindications cautions, etc. But what should be concerning BIEL is that the technology is being exploited, and marketed by others. IMO, it's only a matter of time, short time at that, before they start to move in on BIEL's target market. Companies like ORTHOCOR have the technology and apparently have cracked the code for FDA clearance. It's quite possible companies like ORTHOCOR don't have the adverse, troubled history with the FDA as BIEL does, which gives them an added advantage with future success with gaining clearance for their product. The point I'm making is BIEL better get their butts in gear and get this thing rolling, Big Time! IMO, BIEL has been really lucky with the wait of opportunity. For in the future, she might not be so tolerant of BIEL, and give others a chance to "Grabbing the Brass Ring". That's my take, for what it's worth!