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05/16/19 10:03 PM

#227722 RE: Umibe5690 #227719

Let me ask a question, what would people think if K-M curves were shown for the entire trial population showing that currently over 80 patients who entered the trial over 43 months ago are still alive, so the tail is still growing. I would suggest that this would be rather impressive, though without unblinding, the numbers in that tail that got the placebo would be undefined. I believe it would be impressive, especially if you add the fact that many in the control group were permitted to cross over on progression of their cancer.

As I see it, the above represents about as much as can be said unless the trial is unblinded. In that other presentations have been made where patients on the vaccine were interviewed, clearly some patients in the trial have either been told what they received, or other people under right to try, or from prior trials have been permitted to speak up.

Of course unblinding the trial would be more convincing, but we cannot say it's unblinded until we're told that, and given top line results.



05/16/19 10:21 PM

#227723 RE: Umibe5690 #227719

Um, are you a Tralfamadorian? I ask, not just because I suspect you are very knowledgeable about deep space. And, on that note, Tralfamadorians, your posts remind me of this old song/saying;

“My name is Yon Yonson,
I work in Wisconsin,
I work in a lumbermill there.
The people I meet when I walk down the street,
They say, "What's your name?"
And I say,
"My name is Yon Yonson,
I work in Wisconsin..."

And so on to infinity.

As you can tell, I have nothing. Thank you all for what you share! Best.