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Grouse Hunter

05/16/19 12:27 PM

#33613 RE: Xl175 #33612

Good luck selling anymore stock if they do that.


05/16/19 12:27 PM

#33614 RE: Xl175 #33612

Reverse split is good Lol. At least we’ll know the deal will happen.... Less shares but still valued the same just at a higher pps! And we all want it to go to
Dollars!!! I just want this to transpire soon... either way share holders will win!!! ;-)


05/20/19 3:56 PM

#33629 RE: Xl175 #33612

What are you still doing on this board? It’s been a year and a half. Honestly just curious as to how you still post daily on this board. I have 100s of thousands of shares and barely look at this board anymore, but you, who obviously doesn’t want the company to do well, meaning you most likely have no shares, are still here trolling. It kinda makes me admire your persistence, but makes me sad at the same time, because I know you don’t have a life.