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05/14/19 5:47 PM

#57720 RE: Vintage1776 #57714

Well if everything is compared to YEARS AGO before they called quits to the biofloc system and started all over then good luck. That might as well have been a different company called RDM shrimp or Trushrimp.

It has zero diddly doo dah to do with coming back out of R&D with the new system. EVERYTHING they said for distribution agreements before the patent was filed/granted is crapola. Irrelevant. And even bullshit.

Hell we know they used to sell shrimp from the biofloc system. It is in the S1. It is in old filings. It doesn't mean jack.

In case one didn't notice everything is different and we don't use biofloc any more. All previous things are null and void. They are starting all over.

So yes they have restocked and yes in a few months they will be selling shrimp. And YES they are working with new species on the side not interfering at all with the shrimp that are happily swimming and eating.

I thank God daily that we have PETER LETIZIA out there and I laugh at all thoughts to the opposite.
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Helter Skelter

05/14/19 6:15 PM

#57725 RE: Vintage1776 #57714

That's obviously Delgado...

I want to see shmp lock down an out source first thing, we have a patent right wouldn't it have been great if shmp in anticipation of its approval would have had an distribution outlet pretty well set up ready to go...,
we still don't have one that's been PR'd..., by the grace of the market its held up this range and support.

...propping up the PROP.

Good post.

SHMP will never succeed, will always FAIL.

I guarantee it.

NaturalShrimp, Inc. is NOT even registered to do business in Texas.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.