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Grande Drip

05/14/19 1:17 PM

#18864 RE: Jeff1717 #18862

I’ll have to switch it up to watching grass for awhile, I’ve been watching the paint dry.
The frustrating part is that since we still really don’t know what their up to, we have no way to gauge how quickly they’re moving or how long we’ll have to wait. I’m preparing for the worst but hopeful we’ll see something sooner than later.


05/17/19 10:54 AM

#18885 RE: Jeff1717 #18862

I agree. That's how things will happen imo. When? Dunno. That's the fun part. And don't watch the day to day too closely. That's stressful and frittering away time. Add 3s now and then in the meantime imo. glta, will be fun when it does move back up from news/updates.