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05/10/19 10:49 PM

#152099 RE: janice shell #152093

Hay, I axed her about the 1/8th vs. 1/16th CONfusion. So the deal is this - on her paternal side a great-grandmother was Sauk/Fox according to records - butt she might have been only half-Sauk/Fox and still been in the tribe (there was some family lore that she may have been a 'half-breed' - no records, just lore). And there are no records (that the fambly is aware of) to prove whether she was 100 percent Sauk/Fox or 50 percent Sauk/Fox, so DaWife doesn't know if she's 1/8th or 1/16th. Either way, nott enuff to gett some of the casino rake.

Mebbe a DNA profile wood solve the issue, butt we've both agreed that having your DNA in a database that can be subpoenaed or just vacuumed up by NSA or Google or a Macedonian CONtent farmer is just a bad idea - nott just for us, butt for DaSun and any lives nott-yett-in-being for our future lineage (assuming DaSun getts around to the fambly thing).

And in re another post from another poster (as this is my last until 9PM Pacific tonite):

"I think this is a ploy to generate more wealth for Silicon Valley."

Yes, we shure need some wealth around here. It's a very depressed area, with abandoned homes, people driving beater cars or riding the bus or bicycling to the food bank, and folks lined up all the way down the block every morning at the employment agencies. And then there are the Okies selling apples and bags of oranges on DaStreet to make enuff to buy some mac& cheese for the day's single meal.

It's brutal. We need to apply to Warshington for an economic aid package - some make-work yobbs - and maybe a bunch of refugee tents and UN humanitarian food aid.

With today's busted Uber IPO, there will be starving masses roaming about in search of scraps of food.

Down-on-their-luck Silicon Valley residents are often forced to 'dine ~OUTT' because the pantry in their cardboard box shelter is empty

"Hay, that's MY stuff!!! Gett ~OUTTa there!!!"

Typical scene at Alma and University Ave

Soup kitchen line at Lytton Plaza park

Remnants of the Stanford Theater, a once great movie house now housing a homeless itinerant population of squatters