Well, according to some who have posted recently, .01 is the next 'stop' on the way down to even lower, so if they are right, your wish may come true.
Personally, I think people are 'playing games' until financials are released, hoping to induce people to get out (=stuck holders from pre-reverse-split days). [According to OTC markets, there was one pretty 'big' sell yesterday, of 3537 shares for .40; but most sells are relatively small, at less than $500, and some are way smaller than that.]
Speaking of financials, since the reverse-split took place, I assume GSF got Ken's back-logged financials submitted to whomever needed them (FINRA?). I also assume they are pretty abysmal. Perhaps GSF is waiting for the next reporting period to release them simultaneously with their own GSF-only financials.