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05/08/19 3:37 PM

#15671 RE: Steff07 #15669

LOL! Criminal Dwyer likes to suck his shareholders into his criminal scam by mentioning uplist. Criminal Dwyer mentions uplist in all his failed shell scams that never come to fruition. Sad.


05/08/19 3:55 PM

#15674 RE: Steff07 #15669

You are correct. Matt said in the CC that he expected to file the S1 to begin the up-list process to the OTCQB before the end of June this year: I don't expect NASDAQ until next year when the stock reaches $4 dollars or higher. I hope they have accelerated the timeline by planting more acres of hemp in Colorado this spring than planned. After all, the demand for CBD Oil is coming online much faster than expected; we have $38.4 million dollars of LOIs already, probably more than $50 million by now, and all we have to do is fill the orders! $GSGX.