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Frayed Knot

05/08/19 10:06 AM

#85490 RE: livenright #85486

Would love to know what can be seen in the last 10K that indicates anything worthwhile....

"bumpy start".. nope, not bumpy...

....just as Yazie planned when he started this scam called MYDX.

He bought a defunct "company", that was already on the OTC, so that he could give himself (he now has BILLIONS of shares) and his buddies shares, so they could have their Personal ATM..

Good times.

No bumps for Yazie, going as planned.

Well, ok, maybe he was hoping the SP would stay up... by MAGIC (not work)... so that he could get richer.. notice I said richer.. not rich.. he has already gotten lots of $$ with no work involved.

Ahhh, the life of a stinky pinky CEO/director. GOOD TIMES.

Yazie and his buddies at the MYDX ATM... life is good.. FOR THEM.