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05/07/19 11:17 PM

#227630 RE: Maddy2 #227629

Good post! Thank you for sharing


05/07/19 11:19 PM

#227631 RE: Maddy2 #227629

Hi Maddy, we all totally understand your frustration since all the shareholders are going through the same thing. I am personally trying to remain positive while we wait, and so are others from what I can tell. If the audit is not ready yet, I would not be surprised if Roger eventually steps out of the shadows and makes a statement to comfort the longs, especially after the lengthy silence and specially now that it is obvious that the audit has taken longer than the "very early 2019" that was stated in the P.R. from January. At this point, it doesn't matter what consequences an update will bring, but at least it will give us reassurance in our investment if we have to wait a bit longer.

Although I don't take it to the level of insulting and demeaning Roger, I do realize that the mishaps in the communication has left a sour taste in a lot of us who are invested in the stock. Out of this uncertainty comes a lot of background noise that only makes it worse to remain laser focused on the future of the company post-audit filing. All I can say is to hang in there and endure a bit of the turbulence, since eventually Roger will have to take the bull by the horns to reinforce his commitment to the shareholders. GLTY! ;-)



05/08/19 12:03 AM

#227635 RE: Maddy2 #227629

Thanks for posting. A couple of points:

I would argue against the difficulty of staying positive vs the current frustrations based on the audit situation. I'm positive in the long term outcome here, many are positive. More are frustrated but it hasn't detracted from the core company growing. There is a reason I post 'not a single negative long term outlook to be found.' Because it is true, flat out true, there has been none.

Been building start ups for decades, nothing, nothing, nothing ever goes as fast as anyone wants. EVER. Why? Because, real business, takes real time and real shit happens in real life. Yes, I say that a lot as well. Why? Because it is true, flat out true.

This whole concept of 'I trusted Roger!'... I see in many claims, needs context.

What did you trust Roger with?

Did you trust Roger to:

Build the core company? Well, he has been and is doing that.
Be fiscally responsible? Well, he has been and is doing that.
Increase revenues? Well, he has been and is doing that.
Not Dilute, Not take on Toxic Financing? Well, he has been and is doing that.
Set the stage for long term value and growth, growing to a vision, maintaining the course towards it, while keeping the company together so it is not ruined before it even gets out of the gate? Well, he has been and is doing that.

Communicate? Well he has been and is still doing that? YES, he has quieted down, has he started out simply wanting to give all the shareholders the best viewpoint he could with real time information. What his mistake was, was completely under estimating how vile, corrupt, manipulated and nasty the pink marketplace is. He decided to waste less energy putting out news and focus on continuing to build the core company and keep chipping away at the audit.

One can find the complete opposite in EAPH, all communication but none of the others. I'll take building long term TRUE value other those others any day.

There have been a TON of MOUNTAIN sized crumbs. Weekly photos, KTU coming online, Other locations filing, GRO3 PO, 3rd party articles even, 1000's reviews. Huge SKU and retailer growth. 200+ staff without dilution.

The only frustration is in the wait itself. Every company i've been in, the IPO or acquisition took 50-100% longer than expected or even talked about by management when I joined. They tell me '1-2 years' and I would know what it would really take after assessing for a week. Always 3-5 years. Why??? Something Wrong Here??? No, it is simply the cumulative myriad of things that take effort, don't go quite as planned, some mistakes and lessons learned, just freaking business. Markets are forward focused. Management is positive and needs to be, so it is critical one sees the real 'crumbs' of growth, really sees the progress in limited information. The ONLY difference between those start ups I work for and AMFE is the start ups got VC (Venture Capital) money and a BOD of a few select folk to guide the ship. The build EVERYTHING first, then IPO. BUT, you aren't getting that company for pennies. You pay $10,20,50,100 for them, and THEY ARE STILL A RISK on the NASDAQ. But, when I joined those companies, I got MY options at $.50... why??? Because NOT EVERYTHING was built yet. If AMFE was a private company I can assure you the BOD would be ECSTATIC over what we have. The growth, the market potential, they would be giddy with excitement, they would get the freaking audit takes longer than anyone wants. BUT they would be in it for the LONG, building the LONG. Now unfortunately, we started out in the pinks, NOTHING Roger could do about that. So the BOD is the pink market. Not an ideal BOD at all, but it is what it is. However WE got to get those options super cheap. Getting to the QB (especially VERSUS starting out QB where the set up it to promote the company because it is QB, be wary of that) is like an IPO, different world, new level, reduced risk for fiscal risk from an institution standpoint. The irony is everyone aways complains about the pinks, thinks the scams claims they dont do the real work make a real company. Well now we have a rare gem, building a real company, putting in the real effort, but Roger is getting punished for building in THE RIGHT WAY. Yes, the pink markets are truly vile.

We will get to the QB, it won't be forever, it won't even be that much longer, just the moment from now until will feel like an eternity. It always does.

We will get some communication very soon I'll bet, and you will get those crumbs that you want.

Just remember all the crumbs that already exist.

Regardless of any claims. Roger is truly building long term value, and he is doing it for the shareholders.




05/08/19 12:42 AM

#227641 RE: Maddy2 #227629

Roger is a is sad, but true....he has duped many here and continues to dupe some.


05/08/19 12:49 AM

#227644 RE: Maddy2 #227629

"We are aware of the miscommunication which caused the re-classification on OTC Markets to reflect a “stop sign”. This is due to the audited annual report which is being finalized. We have been in communication directly with OTC Markets and will be filing a disclosure document for the interim, which will remove the “stop sign” until we finalize and submit the audited FYE 2018 statements and uplist to OTCQB."

So, where's this INTERIM DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT that Rogeroofie claimed would be published on the paid advertising website to remove the STOP SIGN and allow AMFE to later publish the AUDITED (and possibly restated) "10-K-like" annual report?

Anyone seen the 'interim financial disclosure document' that Ole Rogerino claimed was being publiished with OTCM to gett ridd of the nasty STOP SIGN and then LATER publish the AUDITED version?

Anyone seen it?

That letter was October, right? 2018 right?

And what was this "miscommunication with OTCM"?

Wait! I've found the interim disclosure document! Here is the UNAUDITED 2018 10-K-like docuument:


05/08/19 11:37 AM

#227771 RE: Maddy2 #227629

"We are aware of the miscommunication which caused the re-classification on OTC Markets to reflect a “stop sign”. This is due to the audited annual report which is being finalized. We have been in communication directly with OTC Markets and will be filing a disclosure document for the interim, which will remove the “stop sign” until we finalize and submit the audited FYE 2018 statements and uplist to OTCQB."

So, where's this INTERIM DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT that Rogeroofie claimed would be published on the paid advertising website to remove the STOP SIGN and allow AMFE to later publish the AUDITED (and possibly restated) "10-K-like" annual report?

Anyone seen the 'interim financial disclosure document' that Ole Rogerino claimed was being publiished with OTCM to gett ridd of the nasty STOP SIGN and then LATER publish the AUDITED version?

Anyone seen it?

That letter was 18 October 2018?

And what was this "miscommunication with OTCM"?