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05/08/19 11:56 AM

#8058 RE: chemist72 #8056


The funds that PIOE operates as indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries do NOT have $5 billion under management

try again

this is directly from you:

Note: 2018's revenues from management fees was $30.56M. This amount can be generated using a revenue rate of about 0.006% times their "average" AUM in 2018 of about $5B ($4B plus $6B divided by 2). That is why I'm using the rate of 0.006% in the calculation above for 2019.

What?? Don't understand your question.

RCP 2 and RCP 3 each operate as indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries of P10 Holdings, Inc. (formerly known as P10 Industries, Inc.), a publicly held company (“P10”). RCP’s senior management holds approximately 49.5% of P10’s shares.

Above quote is from RCP's latest Form ADV. So yes, all the "funds" I'm talking about belong to either RCP2 or RCP3 (together referred to as RCP). How could this have "nothing to do" with PIOE??