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05/06/19 1:16 PM

#28820 RE: XNRGI2008 #28819

Is that what you have done ?


05/06/19 6:01 PM

#28828 RE: XNRGI2008 #28819

Apparently, not so positive, glowing posts about XNRGI and the UN-PROFESSIONAL way that they handled their re-organization are ruffling some feathers.

I guess there will only be negatively bent commentary here until the company releases or announces some POSITIVE news.

That could be a long time.

After all, XNRGI has created the negatively charged situation we are currently in.

D'Couto treats any type of announcement as if it is a publication of the recipe for his supposedly industry changing battery.

Sorry D'Couto and Sidlo, until XNRGI develops something called a positive marketing and Public relations strategy, XNRGI will just be seen as a regurgitation of NEAH Power and all the negative connotations that come with it.

