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05/05/19 6:13 PM

#68603 RE: AC7880 #68602

All jokes aside a low fee for a small franchise is about $20-25,000

This is simply a fee to be given the access to become a part of a whole. Have central ordering, a name, and so on. It also gives a startup more leverage than becoming an independent mom and pop.

So that fee, that’s revenues. Those revenues are a way to pay for all those “cogs” mentioned.

Norm is a good fit here.

Norm has an audience to market franchises to.

Speaks in front of 1000’s of potential and current vaping/CBD sellers regularly.

Math time!

$20,000 franchise fee x 1% of the monthly people in attendance at these engagements (1% of 1000 people or 10)

$20,000 x 10 franchise signed up per month based on these numbers. That’s $200,000 a month or $2.4 million in ADDED revenues from franchising fees annually.

That’s NOT anything but the initial fees.

So if norm pulled a salary of say $100,000 annually? $200,000 annually? Is he not worth it?

Those franchises also add more revenues on ordering and add name recognition as well.

But I think the people got the idea here.

These are LOW BALL numbers not even high ones - 1%? Seriously more than 1% of an audience that is already there to hear about Consulting and ideas of how to make money on CBD and vaping is LOW. Those people will sign up to be part of a huge brand and a public one at that.

Shake shake those 1’s aren’t falling at all.

Not at all in any real value.

2’s the 3’s

Hoping to see an 8k on the Portland settlement obviously and a HARD close sometime in May, it’s all coming.

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05/05/19 8:48 PM

#68608 RE: AC7880 #68602

Your wrong and thinking small, this is exactly the type of company that can get sucked up into Phillip Morris's game plan, among many others. Acquisitions and consolidation is the road to riches my friend. These "tiny" businesses will thrive and prosper in the "wake" of bigger boats. It's the forest through the trees. Open your eyes, Big tobacco has to move forward into the future, and that includes Cigawatt. Norm knows it, and so do the Squires. Stay tuned, I have much more to say. No retort is necessary.