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05/05/19 12:03 PM

#37309 RE: BoomSoon #37308

crtg… Maybe there was for too much focus on the CHS product, where everything else was left on the shelves to rot away? Yes, the CHS product holds great promise, but either the wrong guy was placed at the helm, or not enough money was available to continue the Commercialization effort?

It was a big gamble to take-on such an expensive enterprise, and it failed! Only a bigger established Co' could afford to take-on such an expensive challenge?

Kraft went as far as he could, but with only 7 days a Month devoted to the CHS product, it was doomed to fail from the very beginning? Not that I knew that, but the goings-on proved it! It wasn't the product, but those who took-on the challenge who are to blame!

What was Kraft thinking, though no one knows exactly what happened in route to its failure as a Commercial endeavor? Not me, for I had faith that Kraft knew about the obstacles, and that his "Experience" would save the day! At this point, I don't see any reconciliation between the Patented NDSU party and CRTG, for even a partial compromise by NDSU would NOT be enough to keep CRTG going! IMO..