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04/24/19 1:40 AM

#190293 RE: ExtremelyBullishZig #190289

Miilionaires can identify with that except all my haircuts are taken in a foreign country and candy bars are poison to me. But to tell the story of the thread. Even Warren Buffets fortune was started in one stock or Company. GEICO you know the cute salamander. The rest was from investing the insane amounts of profits in other companies instead if paying dividends like most insurance companies. TA Da Berkshire Hathaway.
Of all the Miilionaires next door 90% of them got wealthy on one Company whether it be Procter& Gamble, Boeing, Microsoft, UPS or Apple or others they worked years and knew what they owned. Retirement plans at Proctor & Gamble were limited to P&G stock. Last I checked it was the best performing stock since 1947. Boeing was famous for its employees owning it's stock which is the best performing DOW stock of all time. Most of those employees owned no other stocks besides Boeing. UPS truck drivers were made wealthy on the UPS IPO. Of course I do not need to mention the early workers of Microsoft whom received their shares as compensation. Concentrations in one stock can make generational type wealth
Diversification can only hold off
inflationary forces.
Warren Buffet made his big bucks on one Company. GEICO
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04/24/19 8:46 AM

#190307 RE: ExtremelyBullishZig #190289

I just don't like slow and steady growth

Much to my personal chagrin, the Baccarat table sees more
of me than it should in retirement.......
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04/25/19 12:05 PM

#190414 RE: ExtremelyBullishZig #190289

"I know how to manipulate debt to build wealth'... please explain without divulging your situation if you'd like. Seems like there is a good story here! Thanks!