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04/23/19 4:30 PM

#142872 RE: Bad Moon Rising #142840

I'll be a lot more enthused when I start seeing taggs show up outside of the Verb circle of buddies. When D2R Marketing, who is getting paid to promote Verb, publishes a tagged video, that's not adoption, it's advertising. It's not revenue, it's advertising expense.

When we start seeing them show up randomly for everyday products, from otherwise disinterested parties, then we can conclude there is solid sustainable traction. When I see it built into my outlook client or popping up all over social media from people that don't know Verb, I'll be happy. As of right now, Rory took a huge loan from all the longs, in order to give other investors the opportunity to buy shares at $2, at the long's expense. I paid $41/share so they could sell my investment at $3.14 and watch it plummet to $2.09. That's not cool.

The list of missed dates, vapor clients, misguidance on share price and value, is something all the pumpers ignore. I've lost near 6 figures, that's cause to not be glowing with enthusiasm. The more money I invested hoping to average down, the more it's gone down. Rory needed his longs to hang in there so he could borrow from them and give it to AGP and their investors. We'd all have been better to have sold and maybe bought in now at a near record low. He BSed us until the 11th hour, just to save his own investment from bankruptcy. Remember him saying the price of $7.65 was a plug number going to NASDAQ, and that "it will be based on the price at the time that they close the offering". We are all painfully aware that offering price came in WAY below the market price at that time. How was that not willfully deceptive? By that time, no one could afford to sell and recover the 5-15% they had left.