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04/22/19 12:56 AM

#48026 RE: rawman #48024

Again - all kinds of inaccurate information and it needs to STOP

1) " oft forgotten primary reason for Dr. Sung's fall from grace was the idiotic Typenex financing arrangement that then CEO Seth Shaw negotiated and personally signed during 2013! How quickly we forget!"

Actual factual history -- Stella Sung found Typenex (aka: Chicago Ventures) all on her own. She negotiated the 2013 Agreement and signed it as Chief Operating Officer, on behalf of Tauriga, at that time. During late 2014 after the Note was paid off, Stella Sung made a business decision - that many people believe was the worst in Tauriga's history. She chose not to litigate a winning case against Typenex (in Federal Court) and it cost the Company dearly. It's one of the few times in history that a CEO of a Company negotiated a Settlement Agreement that was materially worse (in my estimation) than if Tauriga had actually lost to Typenex at Trial. I DONT THINK THAT ANYONE CAN "Quickly Forget" the unfortunate way that Stella Sung handled Typenex. Not to beat a dead horse - but it is a FACT that she single-handedly brought TYPENEX to the Company during 2013 (this was well intentioned at that time and should not be subject to the crystal ball treatment or the Monday morning Quarterback critique). My main criticism of Stella Sung actually derives from the way she handled the Typenex litigation (the legal battle over the fictitious Warrants during late 2014 - after the Company won a complete and massive victory against Typenex, during October 2014, in Florida State Court of the 13th Circuit). I truly believe that it was the epitome of spineless. So what - it would have been a battle and maybe it wouldn't have been easy. Seth Shaw chose the opposite response to a Federal Litigation (which wasn't easy either) and he forced a solid Settlement and the Company's future prospects have turned around to a degree as has its share price!

Seth Shaw rescued (and I mean RESCUED) the Company during May and June of 2015, by coming up with $230,000 to extinguish that unfortunate Stella Sung conceived Typenex Settlement Agreement - JUST BEFORE it turned into guaranteed Bankruptcy. Like it was days away from CHECKMATE

Press Release Link (June 2, 2015 Press Release):

No-one is saying that Stella Sung is or was "evil" or a "criminal" or even "greedy" -- as you stipulate in your post. She just, in my strong opinion, had very bad judgment (at times) and sometimes put her own interests ahead of those of the shareholders. The record speaks pretty well for itself (as do the public filings from her "reign" as CEO).

2) "CONSULTANT CEO Seth Shaw, collected more than $300,000 in total compensation, as he sat by watching the attorneys and accountants pursuing a pot 'o gold from Cowan et, al!"

Actual factual history -- Seth Shaw did not collect this phantom $300,000 in salary. And he busted his ass for 2+ years prosecuting that lawsuit. The "he sat by" narrative is false and the opposite of what reality was. The only $300,000 that actually transpired, was Seth investing $300,000 into Tauriga (during 2017) at 9.4 cents per share - to protect the shareholders in making sure the Company had the staying power to last until a decent Settlement could be forced. And $2,000,000+ cash component was a decent result. He apparently didn't chase this "pot o' gold" because he actually came through with a respectable and tangible result.

"BULLSHIT! CONSULTANT CEO Seth Shaw blew more than $2 million on acquiring Pilus Energy, then claimed TAUG had the needed financial resources to continue the testing and development! The bogus claim proved to be completely false! Why did the TAUG shareholders' $2+ million get flushed down the toilet? Because Shaw DID NOT do any DD, DD which would have led to the accurate conclusion the Pilus technology had no chance of ever becoming commercially viable!"

Actual factual history -- This notion that Seth or Tauriga blew more than $2 million on acquiring Pilus Energy, is utterly non sense. pure BS. There were $2 million worth of warrants exercisable at 2 cents per share (pre-split) issued to the shareholders of Pilus Energy. This deal was basically unwound during late 2016 and the vast majority of these Warrants were returned to the Company. This "so called more than $2 million" was more like $200,000 or $250,000. PILUS ENERGY TURNED OUT TO BE A LOSING PROPOSITION. But grossly exaggerating figures is not the right thing to do

"Hundreds of thousands were blown on the bamboo handwipes, again because SHAW DID NO DD! The lip goop didn't work because the product was NEVER rigorously tested! Again, tens of thousands down the toilet! Shaw threw tens of thousands at Eishens and NEVER received anything in return for the purported "investment". AGAIN...NO DD! "

Actual factual history -- About $200,000 of cash (during 2013) was spent on the Green Hygenics license agreement. HerMan -- approximately $40,000 - $50,000 was spent all in. Eishens -- NOT A PENNY was spent by the Company as that transaction never materialized in any way shape or form (READ THE COMPANY'S FILINGS - it's made crystal clear repeatedly)


You make a decent argument that Seth Shaw has made some mistakes and is not perfect (even far from perfect). And I'm sure that he would be the first to admit such. But there are also positives and he made enormous effort(s) to keep this Company afloat and protect the shareholders. As evidenced by the fact that the Company is still here and kicking and potentially building a solid future. And perhaps will report a very good and improved balance sheet at March 31, 2019.

It's not easy being CEO of a Company like Tauriga. It's a challenging environment to run a fully reporting public Company and finding a way to make it work long term. Nobody should overlook the fact that it's a lot of hard work and a ton of pressure.


04/22/19 12:43 PM

#48029 RE: rawman #48024

Stella did the typenex deal. We did research before getting involved. I even spoke with her on the phone. She has a pretty good gig now and was even going to help TAIG with a CBD product not to long ago