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04/21/19 8:00 PM

#48025 RE: clearmont88 #48023

The so called "Failures" that you perpetually list "Bamboo Wipes, Pilus Energy, EBR, Herman, ColluMAuxil, Eishin (which the Company never lost a penny on), etc. etc. etc., reflect on the reality that Tauriga was in a terribly compromised position after the failure of Immunovative Inc

BULLSHIT! CONSULTANT CEO Seth Shaw blew more than $2 million on acquiring Pilus Energy, then claimed TAUG had the needed financial resources to continue the testing and development! The bogus claim proved to be completely false! Why did the TAUG shareholders' $2+ million get flushed down the toilet? Because Shaw DID NOT do any DD, DD which would have led to the accurate conclusion the Pilus technology had no chance of ever becoming commercially viable!

Hundreds of thousands were blown on the bamboo handwipes, again because SHAW DID NO DD! The lip goop didn't work because the product was NEVER rigorously tested! Again, tens of thousands down the toilet! Shaw threw tens of thousands at Eishens and NEVER received anything in return for the purported "investment". AGAIN...NO DD!

CONSULTANT CEO Seth Shaw wouldn't know DD if it jumped up and bit him on he butt! But who cares! It's only the shareholders' money and the paycheck continues to roll in! Just keep throwing crap at a wall, hoping something finally sticks! IT'S SHAW'S HISTORIC AND CONTINUING APPROACH TO OVERSEEING THE TAUG SHAREHOLDERS' INVESTMENT FUNDS!