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04/18/19 10:07 PM

#48012 RE: loanranger #48010

Some valid points,

from what I understand the Omega 3 is still on the table, put if the patent is not strong enough to withstand serious challenges it would not be worth doing drug trials. Just guessing but I think things are in a hold there.

The lip goop is a good product, and I bet will be in play, however it seems apparent where all efforts should be right now.

Collum Auxilium ColluMauxil LLC - another interesting story and a great product. I think it actually came from a very very big pharma, in fact one that I think my wife got some kind of special award for last yr., sort of like employee of the year.. I bet that product would have sold like crazy, even though it was legal in the US. It was before the farm bill and could have caused banking and other issues I believe. Still is a great formulation, but it is a crowded market. CBD gum is not.


04/19/19 10:18 AM

#48013 RE: loanranger #48010

Why would Anybody compare Tauri-Gum to the previous (HerMan and ColluMauxil proposed products)

That type of comparison is really not justifiable (in any way, shape or form)

Tauriga was catching up on 14+ delinquent Quarters during 2015- and late 2016 and prosecuting a major Federal Lawsuit between 2015 and late 2017

The Company tried its best to create business activity at that time. But the Company had nothing to work with and really had to both streamline and focus its efforts on winning a life or death lawsuit or at least Settling such lawsuit for a reasonable figure.

The Company settled that lawsuit during very late 2017 and received a cash component in excess of $2,000,000.

Not a fortune - but enough to have a fair chance to both survive and launch a business initiative properly (which it has done).

So these comparisons of HerMan and ColluMauxil to the current Tauri-Gum Corporate Initiative -- is a ridiculous comparison on every level

Tauri-Gum has been properly launched with resources to back the launch. The Company had $500,000 to spend on its Tauri-Gum launch (it had virtually $0 available for the other two above-mentioned launches)

Also, the Company can actually focus on its Tauri-Gum product.

Seth was very smart about all of this. He knew that he had to first secure a decent Settlement before launching a major business initiative or consummating a major acquisition

He was patient and realistic and nobody should detract from that by claiming that two minor business initiatives didn't work out (during a time when the Company had little to no money and the inability to properly focus).

You could argue that Seth shouldn't have tried to launch any products between July 2015 and December 2017. That's a reasonable criticism, however people should walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them. Especially when a CEO is under immense pressure 24/7 (for 2 1/2 years) tom save, what was, a critically ill or even a Moribund Company.

Tauriga is a wonderful Company now (April 19, 2019). One last thing - a number of posters feel that Tauriga's balance sheet will show serious weakening at March 31, 2019. My advice to all: Don't believe everything you read on IHUB. It just could be that the opposite is the case!!! hmmmmmmmmm! time will tell. It always does. And it tells one other thing. Seth Shaw has done a respectable Job since taking over as CEO on July 9, 2015.