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04/18/19 2:24 PM

#78630 RE: WhosLying #78621

Good question, in fact EXCELLENT question! I find it rhetorical tho, for them. The dots connect when looked at in the lets create a fiat share printing, shared selling, money making machine with the support of the pro vplm cabal. This goes straight to my very recent post....where I once again, for the umpteenth time... bring up the question, the little tiny question.....of why did vplm (via Chang) announce over & over back in 2012, that the acquisition has put vplm at the top of the voip service provider arena and that they would immed fold the tech into their voip platform, and immed be influxed w/hundreds of millions of new voip subscribers and immed start collecting tens of millions of dollars per month in royalties...........and then, the next thing you know.....well, just WHAT IS THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW?? Go back and look/see. The next thing you know....after the great FANFARE of that nearly year long set of announcements by vplm......was vplm is for sale. Connect those dots if you can!