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04/16/19 10:42 AM

#54806 RE: Ducati74 #54785

Is the ozone dissipated before the sand filters, and thus the sand filters are bio-filters or is the ozone used as a coagulant to make the sand filters work better and to try and sterilize the sand filters. Do you know? I assume both may be in use?

You got me thinking, and it just dawned on me that ozone will easily oxidize ammonia in these applications to NOx, forming Nitrates and Nitrites. SHMP chose chlorine generation to make chloramines for some reason instead of using ozone to make Nitrates. But as we know, the Nitrates need be biologically converted to N2 gas....

The PhD thesis was about using it in a common waste water plant, as best as I recall (it was about 30 years ago that I read it), for removal of trace amounts of Benzene not removed by aerobic bacteria. The plant was spending millions on replacing activated carbon, common Activated carbon adsorption. The PhD paper was about using a fluidized bed of GAC with biofilm on the GAC particles. The GAC captured the benzene and protected the biofilm from any high concentration toxic hits, during peak concentration flows of Benzene to keep the discharge below EPA permit limits. Then during lower concentration flows, the benzene would slowly diffuse into the biofilm and get consumed as food. The bacteria acclimated to eating the benzene.

I used it in an industrial waste water setting to remove and convert Phenol into biomass. We had a high oxygen content in the waste water, and periodically back washed it to fluidize and clean the media of excess biomass. Sheded biomass went back to the clarifiers. The back washing, fluidizing of the sand/grave/GAC mixed bed regenerates it, yes.

Fluidized beds are one of my favorite subjects. That and organic electro-chemistry are still cutting edge fields.

GAC for air purification is regenerated with heat, burning off the trapped VOCs as they flash off/desorb from the high temps....

Carbon sellers do not like me, LOLOL.