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help me

04/14/19 1:38 PM

#354449 RE: uber darthium #354448

I am glad your so concerned with CMKX. Your a honorary CMKX hater. Your on the right thread with all the protection you get for bashing CMKX people.

Willy or Hal


04/16/19 10:48 AM

#354457 RE: uber darthium #354448

I gotta defend willy here.
While he is a scumbag and weasel of the lowest form, he is FAR from being the worst.
You are giving him way too much credit.
If willy were important enough, he'd be in jail right now.

He is, however, the biggest dirtbag that he doesn't have the common sense the others did by going into hiding. He keeps on poking and prodding at those he helped steal money from.
While I wouldn't waste my time as he has cost me nothing, but I hope one day an Xer pays him a visit.