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04/13/19 8:02 PM

#76998 RE: Robza73 #76995

OK, I would be happy if your right. I am not ready to go out on that limb all in. I feel my numbers are conservative showing combined rev of 20-30 million for 2 acquisitions and 3-4 million net income. No one is challenging me because they know its almost a no brainer and that values AHIX near .02 alone. People have no argument its lower than my 20-30 mil and 3-4 mil net income. Anyone think its lower?

But if your right, I rejoice.

STERVC call saying we find out soon
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04/13/19 8:40 PM

#77007 RE: Robza73 #76995

ROBZA, the revenues are not "recurring" and Oceanfreedom never said that. The $10M - $15M ANNUAL REVS you are referring to will be recognized as a "percent of completion" as the jobs are completed. The billing of the revenues will be "lumpy" similar to how a contractor bills and recognizes their revenue.

Here's an example of what their REVS could look like:
1Q - $4M
2Q - $2M
3Q - $6M
4Q - $3M