mmm yes yes yes that's exactly it! Management, in their elaborate highly concocted scheme to deceive shareholders decides to change the name of their products for the sole purpose of making shareholders feel "engaged" with the company. That way, since the shareholders are not smart enough (they're a dumb lot they are) they will get easily DISTRACTED by each of them trying hard to concentrate and come up with new names for our products...mmmm...yes...yes.... and that way they won't pay annnnyyyyy attention to what we the management are doing over here...(hand behind the back.... sssssssshhhhhhhh be quiet and don't tell anybody what our REAL intentions are....).
For management's next distraction, they shall dangle a ball of string and a yoyo at the next conference while they hire the acclaimed best selling hypnotist "Dr. Mindblower" to hypnotize potential investors into rolling onto their backs while simultaneously writing them checks to deposit into their personal accounts!! Perfect!!! Yes yes yes!! This brilliant conspiracy was the brain child of the new IR Firm! They are worth every penny! This new IR firm is really paying off guys!!!!
Laughing my ass off!
Now I have really heard it all....I guess anybody can create any sort of motive they want for anything in this world.
That's fine man, continue on to fight this allllll the wayyyyyy. Believe me it is making our success all that much sweeter!!