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04/06/19 11:09 AM

#46768 RE: zerosum #46754

Dude I’m happy busting up this story all day long. I made it a special hobby of mine to expose companies that take advantage of their public status to bilk shareholders year after year...Qsep is a prime example.
The entire company product are based on Tao’s theories and his first Qsep nutty invention “ elektra “ which Tao claimed would increase combustion in modern day auto. This of course is impossible. Only 1/10th of 1% unburned hydrocarbons is expelled by modern combustion engines yet the company continues to pay over a 100k a year out of a total 187k (not including 10% interest) for the right to market this bogus product. I think I hear laughing...When non technical people invest in pie in the sky products this is the result. An endless ride that requires s ticket every loop.


04/06/19 1:23 PM

#46771 RE: zerosum #46754
