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04/02/19 1:30 PM

#52446 RE: Vintage1776 #52438

I will touch on it. They put out the S1 many weeks before the conferences they visited. What they changed right before the conf was reducing max shares from 60 million to under 17 million. Quite an improvement for them.

Yes they are looking for partnerships and deals. But they also want to do a lot of expansion by themselves and they need money for that. I see nothing sinister in it. I doubt partnerships will involve 7 million up front. Those things are normally delayed income at harvest. But since none of us are officers in the company we are all guessing and placing our bets. I'm locked and liking my shares.
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04/02/19 11:51 PM

#52492 RE: Vintage1776 #52438

I agree with everything you say and would only add this:

1) The Patent, cannot be valued by the market as no one actually knows its worth. Actually pricing this into the stock is impossible without deriving some kind of revenue forecasts on the back of the Patent and they cannot do that as they have sold nothing (repeat zero sales). Stock rose to the 90 cents range on pure speculative interest, hype and pump. It will not test that price again without orders and a detailed business plan to take the company forward.

2) As I have repeatedly said, the company lacks strong management. Actually, when doing your Due Dil on any company, it's my view one should put the strength of the Management Team at or very close to the top of the list. This company is a collection of technical experts and a failed Financial Guy.

3) Share price movement lacks any investment by tutes (it's all retail action with some trying to flip for coffee money). If large companies saw value in this Patent and the business as a whole, they'd accumulate at these price. But the volume simply isn't there to suggest they are. So all of the hype from the two trade shows was just that, fluff. If there were real investor monies ready to be pumped into this stock, they'd do it now whilst the price is sub 50cents.

Conclusion. Proof of concept is still ongoing. No HR because there has been no Harvest. Mgt Team non existent and PR is all driven by an enthusiastic one man band who acts like a kid with a new toy and nothing like any businessman I've ever come across (Fake outs driven by Fake Book posts, which is complete hopium for investors).

Best case scenario, is a BO where they execute an earn out for all of the current Directors. Get them out of the way and let a real company commercialise this operation and manage this business if indeed there is one to manage. Sure they can keep them on a retainer as advisors, but pay them off and let grown ups manage the commercials before it's too late.

That's the only chance shareholders have got to see $'s in this counter now. Otherwise the usual rules apply as any other OTC company, up the AS, Dilute the Feck out of it then RS, type jiggery pokery.